
This is the mind goober of one, Wes Swartz. Multimedia jibberjabber and assorted hocus pocus muhjigger, whoosywhatsit, doohickies.

Monday, May 16, 2011

A skyline like bad poetry

I recorded these songs in the Jackson Bandshell with a casio, my mac, and a guitar. Here's to all the Jackson kids.
    casiojackson by Wes Swartz
Maybe some day i'll die
One day when im 59

Then I will learn to fly
up into the alleyways into the night

I am like a mountain range
with pockets full of chump change
writin bad poetry.

Standing in the street light
with hands in my pockets
trying to bum a ride to the coast

if this is my town
this is where I used to play
not in Cougar Mellancamp way.

just the kind of way where you know
doesn't matter if you stay or if you go
you are already here
always gonna be here
In summer there's an open door
with faces looking out to the street

Heart skips another beat
An accident on first street
One car into another

And death to both their bodies

there's Jesus Christ in Jackson kids
with golden eyes and heavy lids

they don't know if they can take it
scrawny arms resolved to make it

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